Thursday, November 27, 2014


Traditional Barbie vs. Average Size Barbie

I saw a new kind of Barbie the average size Barbie. Compaired to the Barbie from the 90's the Classic Barbie that is made today in 2014 just doesn't cut it in my opinion.

Already they have "adjusted"the breast size. Actually all measurments are different than the Barbies I saved from the 90's.

Aside from the different measurements the quality has taken a HUGE Plung downward. I HATE the Quality from the actual name brand Barbie these days. I bought one that i found Pricy and thought that it would make a difference in the quality compaired to the 5 buck barbie but still they were easily compaired to a "dollar store" "B-brand" Barbie.

So now there is the Average Size Barbie with measurements that more acuratly show how a modern girl would look. Two things bother me about this. One issue I have with this average size Barbie is that my baby isn't growing or gaining weight she is very thin and is then still "excluded" from feeling "normal". Secondly, average is becoming increasingly larger and not so importantly "Healthier".

I think there is a better version or maybe All Versions would be Better.

There is no Cookie cutter that is making people so pushing the same size doll out for every child is just wastefull.

I think there should just be more quailty and diversity avalible to fit everyones house hold and inspire their immagination.

I loved my Barbies growing up and if they are all different they wont all fit each others clothes but it will inspire a great deal more immaginations and that is just the best part of being a child Right?!

What are your thoughts and feelings about this? Does your child play with Dolls? do you think that Size matters or is quality a factor just as important as diversity? LET ME KNOW. I would love to hear!

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